BioWings partners have gathered, last 9-10 th of May, in Rome (Italy) to discuss the latest advancements of the project and to plan the M12 project review meeting in Brussels (June 2019).
The BioWings project meeting in Rome has successfully been concluded. It was an opportunity to share the current state of the BioWings project, evaluate the work accomplished during the first 11 months and plan the BioWings project review meeting in Brussels on the 25th of June.
The meeting has been held in Rome, Italy, hosted by Day One (www.day-one.biz).
Day One is the Business and Dissemination leader of the consortium.
The other partners are: Technical University of Denmark – in charge of the coordination of the project – (Denmark), Weizman Institute of Science (Israel), Ecole Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland), Lund University (Sweden), AcouSort (Sweden) and Piemacs (Switzerland).
During the two-day meeting, the workgroup has discussed a set of different topics which included:
- thin film synthesis techniques;
- the study of ES actuated components;
- MEMS test structure design and assessment;
- medical devices evaluation and clinical application;
- dissemination and exploitation activity.
In general, the excellent news that comes from the meeting is the progress in each WP and the cheering test results on materials for several medical applications.
It should be noted especially that great achievement has been obtained from the architecture of the chips by DTU; moreover, Lund University showed partners two novel methods to identify the optimal operating frequency in bulk acoustophoretic devices.
The gathering represented a good opportunity for project partners to meet again after the last Lausanne meeting and for the new entries in the team, to know personally their workmates.
Part of the discussion included also deliverables status and submission times: the most recent project results will be submitted to the EU Commission and then made available on the project’s website.
BioWings project has currently reached the 11th month of activity.
Project activities and advancements will be officially reviewed by the European Commission during the next meeting, that will take place in June 2019.