The storytellig of Horizon 2020 FET-Open project on YouTube
The complete series of episodes of “Fly over BioWings”, now on the BioWings website.
Watch all the episodes of the series, available on our YouTube channel.
Fly over BioWings | Ep. 1 | Nini Pryds (DTU)
Fly over BioWings | Ep. 2 | Andreas Lenshof (Lund University)
Fly over BioWings | Ep. 3 | Torsten Freltoft (AcouSort)
Fly over BioWings | Ep. 4 | Henrik Bruus (DTU Physics)
Fly over BioWings | Ep. 5 | Paolo De Stefanis (Day One)
Fly over BioWings | Ep. 6 | Paul Muralt (EPFL)