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Nanoconfined oxides with promising electro-chemo-mechanical properties DTU for #overflyBioWings Functional oxide materials are of particular interest due to the fascinating physical properties, such as superconductivity, ferroelectricity, ferromagnetic, electronic, ionic and catalytic properties. Such richness arises from a strong interaction between the charge, orbital, spin, and lattice degrees of freedom and can be largely tailored via for example chemical modification and/or microstructure optimization. In particular, interfacing two different oxide-based materials results in broken

Master’s Thesis Awards: Congratulations to Valentina Vitali Valentina Vitali has been awarded LTHs Jubileumsstipendie for a particularly outstanding Master's Thesis conducted at the Department of Biomedical Engineering. The title of the thesis is “Method for selecting optimal operation frequencies in bulk acoustophoretic devices”. The award was handed over at the LTH graduation ceremony on December 7. Her work was supervised by Andreas Lenshof, partner of BioWings project for the Lund University. In the BioWings project, Lund University will mainly contribute by

BioWings partners announce that the first meeting of the project group will be held on December, 10-11th in Lausanne, Switzerland. The meeting will take place at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and will provide an introductory presentation of the work packages involved in the project. The agenda of the meeting will be structured as follows:     BioWings Project Meeting #1 Lausanne, 10/11-12-2018   TIMETABLE - 10TH OF DECEMBER, 2018   • 9.30 – 10.00 Welcome Coffee   • 10.00 –

The European-funded FET-OPEN project BioWings has officially started his dissemination campaign through the launch of the project website. The on-line kick-off is just the first step of a structured communication and dissemination plan, which will include the involvement of social media tools (like LinkedIn and Facebook), as well as off-line activities such as the direct interaction with relevant stakeholders and the participation in industrial- and research-related events. The current website is intended

We are very excited to announce that the European-funded FET-OPEN project BioWings has officially started its activities on June 2018, with a kick-off meeting taken place at Risø DTU Campus, Denmark. The project is entitled “Bio-compatible electrostrictive smart materials for future generation of medical micro-electro-mechanical systems”. It has been funded under the Horizon 2020 framework programme, within the Future Emerging Technologies topic (FET-Open research and innovation actions). BioWings in a nutshell In